Updated A.Y. 2024-2025
Academic Year 2024-2025 SYLLABUS FRENCH LANGUAGE CFU 6 Dr. Anne Bertinotti |
Course Description
This French course (42 h) aims to achieve a B1 level in line with the competences set out in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Teaching Methodology
Tasks will be set within the framework of a communicative methodology. Meetings with the teacher are aimed at activating the language that is required to communicate at this level and at monitoring progress. Students must undertake the activities presented in the class manual and other activities independently in order to consolidate the required linguistic and socio-cultural content.
Overview of the Course
B1 Independent user |
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. |
Language Functions |
• Description of people: physique and character. • Manifest moods and feelings. • Describe cities, geography and climate. • Compare places, people and customs. • Talk about free time activities. • Give your opinion. Show agreement and disagreement. • Describe and narrate events and situations from the past. • Talk about the future: schedule, foresee. • Make hypotheses. • Advise and assess possibilities. • Give instructions and orders. • Give permission / prohibit. • Request and provide information. • Express obligation. • Relay what others have said (report speech connected to the present). |
Grammatical Content |
This is a detailed list of the grammatical contents required at level B1, • Le passé composé et l’imparfait • Les indicateurs temporels il y a et depuis • L’expression de la durée • Les adverbes en –ment • Les adverbes d’intensité • Les exclamations Quel + nom – Comment/Qu’est-ce que + phrase • Trop de + nom • L’antériorité et la postérité • La négation • La cause • La conséquence • Les adjectifs possessifs • Les pronoms possessifs • Le pronom interrogatif lequel • Les pronoms démonstratifs • L’expression de la quantité • Le pronom en • La restriction ne…que • L’opposition • La mise en relief • Les pronoms y et en • Si/non • Moi aussi/moi non plus • Les adjectifs indéfinis • Le gérondif • La contradiction • La nominalisation • Les pronoms compléments • Le discours indirect • Le plus-que-parfait
Lexical Content |
• Lexicon referring to knowledge frames of everyday life: home, work, university, food, free time and nature, physical and character descriptions, etc. • General abstract vocabulary to talk about current issues such as climate change, emigration, politics, interculturality ... or of personal interest such as art, cinema, sports or music, as well as to talk about feelings and emotions. |
Textbook and Materials
Inspire 2 Jean-Thierry Le Bougnec et M.José Lopes ed. HACHETTE FLE
Livre papier : ISBN : 978 – 2 01 – 513579 – 3
Cahier d’activités papier : ISBN : 978 – 201 – 513580 - 9
Version numérique :
Cahier d’activités numérique :
AAVV, Grammaire du français / Focus A1/B1 ed. HACHETTE FLE
ISBN: 978 – 2 -01 – 155964 - 7
Attending students will be assessed through a final written and oral exam (60%). The written test is designed to evaluate the skills required by the program with grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and listening comprehension exercises in multiple-choice mode. Other exercises involve linguistic completion and transformation based on the linguistic content of the course. In addition, a written production activity is envisaged starting from a given text or an explicitly formulated request.
This intensive course uses continuous assessment (40%). Students are asked to consolidate linguistic/cultural content independently (using the supplementary class material) and take an active part in class activities. Their final mark will be a combination of marks for independent learning and marks for participation in class activities.
Non-attending students will have to take a final written examination with the addition of a B1-level grammar test.
Students will have to deepen their French grammar up to B1 level
AAVV, Grammaire du français / Focus A1/B1 ed. HACHETTE FLE ISBN: 978 - 2 -01 - 155964 - 7
and oral. For the oral examination, students will have to prepare and present 3 articles selected from French online newspaper websites (see sitography). These articles should relate to French politics or economics and be agreed with the lecturer.
Their grade will be based exclusively on this final exam.
Students who have attended less than 80% of classes will be considered non-attending students and, as such, will be required to take the final exam.
Office hours
Contact email address:
Appointments with the professor must be made before or after the class, or by email.
NOTE: If you are an Erasmus or a non Global Governance student who would like to attend one or more courses in the Global Governance programme, please be aware that, before enrolling in the course, you should have read the code of conduct and the procedural rules characterizing our programme. We assume that, if you enrol in the course, you have read and accepted all Global Governance values and rules. Notice that attendance is expected from the very first lesson and you need to attend at least 80% of the course to be considered an attending student.
Description of the methods and criteria for testing learning
The examination assesses the student's overall preparation, ability to integrate the knowledge of the different parts of the program, consequentiality of reasoning, analytical ability and clarity of presentation, in accordance with the Dublin descriptors (1. knowledge and understanding; 2. applying knowledge and understanding; 3. making judgements; 4. learning skills; 5. communication skills).
The examination will be graded according to the following criteria:
Unsuitable: important deficiencies and/or inaccuracies in the knowledge and understanding of the topics; the topics are exposed in an incoherent manner and with inappropriate language.
18-20: barely sufficient knowledge and understanding of most of the topics, with some missing items; sufficient capacity for analysis; the topics are sometimes exposed in an inconsistent manner and with inappropriate/technical language;
21-23: basic knowledge and understanding of most of the topics; ability to analyze and synthesize correctly with sufficiently coherent logical argumentation, with possibly some inaccuracy in the technical language.
24-26: good knowledge and understanding of most of the topics; good analytical and synthetic skills with rigorously expressed arguments, though with possibly a few inaccuracies in the technical language.
27-29: complete knowledge and understanding of the topics; good capacity for analysis and synthesis. Arguments presented in a rigorous manner and with appropriate/technical language, with only minor inaccuracies.
30-30L: very good level of knowledge and thorough understanding of topics. Excellent analytical and synthetic skills and independent judgement. Arguments expressed in an original manner and in appropriate technical language.