Mandatory textbooks and materials both for attending and not attending students
Sinesi S . Social Impact in your hands, Egea (2024)
Yunus M. Banker to the poor
Counts A. Changing the world without losing your minds
Further readings and materials (presentations included) will be shared with the students during the lessons.
No formal pre-requisites
The course programme is divided into 9 inter-related parts as follows:
Topic 1 WHY & WHO: New times, new leadership - Entrepreneurs and companies with a social impact
Topic 2 WHAT: From the analysis of social challenges to the definition of the solution
Topic 3 HOW: Create alliances for impact - involve stakeholders to generate systemic change
Topic 4 HOW: Enhancing the impact
Topic 5 HOW: Financing the impact - building a Social Impact Business Model and attracting donors and investors
Topic 6 HOW: Presenting the impact - attracting funding through the "perfect pitch
Topic 7 HOW: Communicating the impact - raising awareness, informing, disseminating and involving through advocacy and communication campaigns
Topic 8 HOW: Growing - Scaling, Replicating & Transfer
Topic 9 WHO & WHAT:
9+ 1 Extraordinary Stories
9+1 things you need to have if you want to become a social entrepreneur
9+1 Top Tips
Case study:
Grameen Bank the social business founded by Prof. Muhammad Yunus Peace Prize Nobel Laureate
During each lecture, the lecturer presents the planned content with the aid of power point presentations and invites students to critical reflection and dialogue.
Topic 1 WHY & WHO: New times, new leadership - Entrepreneurs and companies with a social impact
Topic 2 WHAT: From the analysis of social challenges to the definition of the solution
Topic 3 HOW: Create alliances for impact - involve stakeholders to generate systemic change
Topic 4 HOW: Enhancing the impact
Topic 5 HOW: Financing the impact - building a Social Impact Business Model and attracting donors and investors
Topic 6 HOW: Presenting the impact - attracting funding through the "perfect pitch
Topic 7 HOW: Communicating the impact - raising awareness, informing, disseminating and involving through advocacy and communication campaigns
Topic 8 HOW: Growing - Scaling, Replicating & Transfer
Topic 9 WHO & WHAT:
9+ 1 Extraordinary Stories
9+1 things you need to have if you want to become a social entrepreneur
9+1 Top Tips
Case study:
Grameen Bank the social business founded by Prof. Muhammad Yunus Peace Prize Nobel Laureate
During each lecture, the lecturer presents the planned content with the aid of power point presentations and invites students to critical reflection and dialogue.
Attending students:
1. Slides of the course.
2. Reading material distributed by the lecturers
Non attending students (below 80% attendance): will study ONE of the following textbooks:
1. Slides of the course.
2. Reading material distributed by the lecturers
Non attending students (below 80% attendance): will study ONE of the following textbooks:
Mandatory textbooks and materials both for attending and not attending students
Sinesi S . Social Impact in your hands, Egea (2024)
Yunus M. Banker to the poor
Counts A. Changing the world without losing your minds
Further readings and materials (presentations included) will be shared with the students during the lessons.
Teaching methods
The course combines different teaching methods: lectures; seminars; student presentations. The lectures will provide the students with the necessary information and reading guidelines on the phenomena under study, while seminars will see students critically engage with this knowledge and encourage/participate in class debates. Students are expected to attend each class, to come to class prepared and to participate in discussions.
Students will agree the topic of their presentations with the lecturers and give assessed Power-point presentations in which they will critically evaluate the content and argument of a chosen topic and introduce related questions for the class discussion.
Students will agree the topic of their presentations with the lecturers and give assessed Power-point presentations in which they will critically evaluate the content and argument of a chosen topic and introduce related questions for the class discussion.
Exam Rules
Course assessment
The (default )verification of learning takes place exclusively through a final examination which consists of an individual or group presentation as discussed below. The objective of the final examination is to verify the achievement of the course learning outcome. In particular, the examination assesses the student's overall preparation, ability to integrate knowledge of the different parts of the programme, consequentiality of reasoning, analytical ability and autonomy of judgement. In addition, ownership of language and clarity of exposition are assessed, in adherence with the Dublin descriptors.
Minimum score for passing the written test 18 out of 30.
After listening to the presentations, the lecturers communicate the results to the students registered for the examination via the Delphi system.
Students may take the examination on all available dates. there is no roll-call jump.
The examination will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• FAIL: important deficiencies and/or inaccuracies in the knowledge and understanding of the topics; limited ability to analyse and synthesise, frequent generalisations and limited critical and judgemental skills, the topics are set out inconsistently and with inappropriate language;
• 18-20: Barely sufficient knowledge and understanding of the topics with possible generalisations and imperfections; sufficient capacity for analysis, synthesis and autonomy of judgement, the topics are frequently exposed in an incoherent manner and with inappropriate/technical language;
• 21-23: Routine knowledge and understanding of topics; ability to analyse and synthesise correctly with sufficiently coherent logical argumentation and appropriate/technical language
• 24-26: Fair knowledge and understanding of the topics; Good analytical and synthetic skills with arguments expressed in a rigorous manner but with language that is not always appropriate/technical.
• 27-29: Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the topics; considerable capacity for analysis and synthesis. Good autonomy of judgement. Arguments presented in a rigorous manner and with appropriate/technical language
• 30-30L: Excellent level of knowledge and thorough understanding of topics. Excellent analytical and synthetic skills and independent judgement. Arguments expressed in an original manner and with appropriate technical language.
Course evaluation for attending students:
• In-class presentations (100 %)
• Rules for the presentation: Students can work on their presentations alone or in groups. A group may comprise 2 to 4 students. The students agree on the topic of the presentations with the lecturers, individually or in groups. Each student/group prepares its presentation and emails it to the lecturers at least one day in advance of the day scheduled for class discussion. In the case of group presentations, each group member receives the same final grade.
Course evaluation for non-attending students:
• Final oral exam (100%).
• Rules for the oral exam: the final exam consists of an approximately 20-minute oral test with questions on one of the textbooks indicated above,
The (default )verification of learning takes place exclusively through a final examination which consists of an individual or group presentation as discussed below. The objective of the final examination is to verify the achievement of the course learning outcome. In particular, the examination assesses the student's overall preparation, ability to integrate knowledge of the different parts of the programme, consequentiality of reasoning, analytical ability and autonomy of judgement. In addition, ownership of language and clarity of exposition are assessed, in adherence with the Dublin descriptors.
Minimum score for passing the written test 18 out of 30.
After listening to the presentations, the lecturers communicate the results to the students registered for the examination via the Delphi system.
Students may take the examination on all available dates. there is no roll-call jump.
The examination will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• FAIL: important deficiencies and/or inaccuracies in the knowledge and understanding of the topics; limited ability to analyse and synthesise, frequent generalisations and limited critical and judgemental skills, the topics are set out inconsistently and with inappropriate language;
• 18-20: Barely sufficient knowledge and understanding of the topics with possible generalisations and imperfections; sufficient capacity for analysis, synthesis and autonomy of judgement, the topics are frequently exposed in an incoherent manner and with inappropriate/technical language;
• 21-23: Routine knowledge and understanding of topics; ability to analyse and synthesise correctly with sufficiently coherent logical argumentation and appropriate/technical language
• 24-26: Fair knowledge and understanding of the topics; Good analytical and synthetic skills with arguments expressed in a rigorous manner but with language that is not always appropriate/technical.
• 27-29: Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the topics; considerable capacity for analysis and synthesis. Good autonomy of judgement. Arguments presented in a rigorous manner and with appropriate/technical language
• 30-30L: Excellent level of knowledge and thorough understanding of topics. Excellent analytical and synthetic skills and independent judgement. Arguments expressed in an original manner and with appropriate technical language.
Course evaluation for attending students:
• In-class presentations (100 %)
• Rules for the presentation: Students can work on their presentations alone or in groups. A group may comprise 2 to 4 students. The students agree on the topic of the presentations with the lecturers, individually or in groups. Each student/group prepares its presentation and emails it to the lecturers at least one day in advance of the day scheduled for class discussion. In the case of group presentations, each group member receives the same final grade.
Course evaluation for non-attending students:
• Final oral exam (100%).
• Rules for the oral exam: the final exam consists of an approximately 20-minute oral test with questions on one of the textbooks indicated above,