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Module A - group 2


Classes in Ariccia

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Hello, GG1s.

I write to introduce myself and to tell you a little bit about our classes for next week in Ariccia, because I need you to do a little bit of preparation for each class.  (No reading, no over-thinking, but just a little bit of preparation.) This 'mini-preparation' we will do for most of our classes, and I will explain as we 'go along'.

First of all, I hope that you have all done well on your midterm exams and I look forward to meeting you next week - refreshed, relaxed and ready for some new challenges.  Please keep in mind that my classes are highly interactive and active participation is essential.  And, hopefully, they are highly enjoyable, too.

In our first class, in the morning of the 4th November, you will meet both Prof. Ibrahim and me, and together we will explain the aims of the two separate modules that make up the 'Applied English' course.  We will talk you through the expectations and approaches to enable you to not only to be successful in the course, but to enjoy it and make the best of it.

For our second class, with me, in the afternoon of Monday the 4th, please think of three ’fun facts‘ about yourself or your family - that no one else in the class knows!  These points should be about you,or someone in your family, and that are surprising, interesting and true! Please keep your ideas, and these points, a secret from the others in your group. And please make them ‘fun facts’ that you do not mind sharing with me and with the class.

For our third class together, on Tuesday morning, please think of some interesting words, phrases, or sayings - in your native language (or second language, or a dialect) that you can introduce to a small group.  You can even teach us how to count.  And, for you Italians, yes, you can show... gestures!

For our fourth class together, which is on Tuesday afternoon wear something that prompts you to do a short talk or presentation or tell a story.  In other words, wear something to talk about.  (For the preparation, just write down a few notes about what you have chosen to show and how you want to do it - there are many ways.)  Please aim to talk for about three minutes.  So, it could be a piece of clothing or jewellery or a tattoo or a ‘lucky charm’, and please remember to pack it and take it to Ariccia.

For Wednesday morning, will simply describe something.  I will explain this more.

For Wednesday afternoon, just consider an interesting picture that you have on your phone.

For Thursday... you will be very pleased to hear that there will be nothing to prepare.  Just come... having had plenty of sleep.

Also, I see that the weather forecast for next week is good, but last year at the Palazzo Chigi it was sometimes a bit draughty and cold, so do also pack some warm layers as the wind can whistle up into the Main Hall from the Courtyard.  Hopefully not, but do bring warm clothes just in case.

And, please, do sign up for your group on DIDA where I will post messages and material.

Have a good weekend and I look forward to seeing you in class on Monday morning.

Best regards,  Douglas Brown