5. 2025.03.25 - Economic Instruments - Env.GlobalGovernance - P&E - Ravazzi
"5. 2025.03.25 - Economic Instruments - Env.GlobalGovernance - P&E - Ravazzi" is available on our Dida P&E-EGG page.
Recommended readings: Johan Rockström & Anders Wijkman (2012). “Nature in bankrupt”, Ch.14 “Getting the Economy Right”
- Richard Tol (2023). “Climate Economics”, Ch.4 Policy instruments for emission reduction OR
- Jos Delbeke (ed.) (2024). “Delivering a Climate Neutral Europe”, para. 1.3.2 Putting an Explicit Price on Carbon and Ch.4 Addressing Carbon Leakage (EU ETS and CBAM) OR
- Paul Ekins (2024). “Stopping Climate Change”, Ch.12 Policy and delivery, pages 333-35
- Suggested readings: OECD (2001). “Environmentally related taxes in OECD Countries - Issues and Strategies”. OECD Paris.
Next Tuesday 1 April, we will finish Lecture 5 up to slide 41 (the rest is for consultation or curiosity), then we will work on Lecture 6.
The day after, Wed. 2 April, last lesson with Lecture 7 and 8. After the lesson, between 13 and 13h45, voluntary (non obligatory) revision session for those who wish, in view of the 9 April exam (for which you are encouraged to register),
3-4. 2025.03.11-18 - Going Beyond GDP towards SDGs - EnvGG - P&E - Ravazzi+
3-4. 2025.03.11-18 - Going Beyond GDP towards SDGs - EnvGG - P&E - Ravazzi+
is available on our Dida page (NB it is version "+" with today's additions from our discussions)
Before next lesson, please read through the slides (e.g. selection of Targets under each of the 17 SDGs, not to remember them precisely, but to have an idea of how they work) and explore the original UN source and the Asvis monitoring reports.
Source: UN Agenda 2030 UN
Monitoring SDGs: see Asvis 2025
Please be advised that the final exam is on both Modules together (A Travaglini and B Ravazzi)
Availability of the Paul Ekins textbook at reduced price
There is a possibility to get Paul Ekins textbook in paper version with a discount of 25%, at 36euro instead of 48.
If you wish a copy, send a message to before Monday 10 March,
they will be delivered in class Tuesday 11.
2. 2025.03.04 - UN-CBD - IPBES - Env.GlobalGovernance - P&E - Ravazzi
2. 2025.03.04 - UN-CBD - IPBES - Env.GlobalGovernance - P&E - Ravazzi is available on our Dida page.
Please complete the reading of the presentation.
Readings for Lesson 2:
Rockstroem-Wijkman ch. 1 and 3
Navigate on:
1. 2025.02.27 - UN-FCCC - IPCC - Env.GlobalGovernance - P&E - Ravazzi - readings
Preparing next lesson Tuesday 4 March 2025
Open the IPCC AR6 Summary for Policymakers and look at the details of one of the Headline Statements of your choice:
Have an overview of the Reports by the IPCC:
Try to bring with us the ideas/concepts/definitions of:
- a) Climate Change Mitigation and b) Climate Change Adaptation, c) Resilience, d) Irreversibility, e) Tipping Points, f) Net-Zero Emissions, g) Window of Opportunity, h) Lock-in investments and locked-in economy, i) Stranded Assets, j) Loss & Damage, k) Synergies and Trade-Offs, l) Co-Benefits, m) Equity, Climate Justice, Social Justice, Inclusion, Just Transition;
- n) the 3 IPCC Working Groups themes (and related reports with the same name)
- o) Carbon tax vs. Emissions trading
Textbooks readings:
Rockstroem-Wjkman ch.10-11 AND
Tol Ch.2 OR Delbeke Ch.1 OR Ekins Ch.2