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EU Summer School in European Environmental Taxation, Naples, 9-14 Sept. 2024

Sunday, June 23, 2024
Dear Students of Environmental Global Governance, 

the EU Summer School in European Environmental Taxation & Policies will be organised in Naples on 9-14 September 2024 at University Federico II.

You might be interested (if other exams, theses or new courses are compatible ...).

The first 3-years of the Summer School have been appreciated by the European Commission, and a new version, extended to Policies, has been approved for the next 3-years.

You can find details on previous editions at https://www.suseet.eu/.

Registration to the Summer School is free, deadline for applications is 1st July.
There is also a Call for Papers which invites young researchers, Postdoc or Ph.D. candidates to submit a paper to be presented on 11th September (https://www.suseet.eu/2024/06/08/call-for-abstracts-11-september-2024/).
Sustainable regards,

Roberta Alfano, Marina Bisogno, Gionata Castaldi, Aldo Ravazzi Douvan

Coordinating Team EU-Suseet Naples 2021-26


Aldo Ravazzi Douvan

Past-President OECD committee on environment & taxation (Jmtee)

President OECD committee on sustainable finance (Wpfieg)

Luiss - Sustainable Development, Energy & Climate

Tor Vergata - Environmental Global Governance

Eaere - Policy Committee 

OECD Internships & Young Associates Programme

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

highly competitive, but making an application, if really interested, is not so costly ...



To be eligible to apply for an internship at the OECD you must be a full-time student enrolled in a programme related to one of the OECD’s areas of work. Whilst internships are open to undergraduate students, the majority of interns at the OECD are undertaking postgraduate studies.

Internship programme - OECD

Young Associates Programme (YAP)

This two-year Programme provides recent undergraduates who are yet to obtain a Master’s degree with the opportunity to enter into the world of policymaking, research and analysis and work alongside experts in their fields.

Young Associate Programme - OECD

After Lessons 7-8 today, revision session

Thursday, April 11, 2024

As announced in last lesson, after Lessons 7-8 today, we will have a revision session (additional, voluntary and informal) in view of the exam (16 April);

for the lesson (14-16h) we should be in aula P8; for the revision (16-17h max) in aula S6

Today's Lesson 5th April 2024

Friday, April 5, 2024

Dear Students,

today's lesson will begin at 09:20.

However, please make sure to register your attendance no later than 09:15. 

All the best


The Secretariat


University of Rome Tor Vergata


Department of Economics and Finance

Via Columbia, 2 – 00133 Rome


Tel: +39 06 7259 5823/5512



3. 2024.03.27 - Going Beyond GDP towards SDGs - EnvGG - P&E - Ravazzi

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

3. 2024.03.27 - Going Beyond GDP towards SDGs - EnvGG - P&E - Ravazzi

is available on the Tor Vergata GG P&E webpage.

The file might be partially modified after the lecture of tomorrow 28th April. 

2. 2024.03.08 - UN-CBD - IPBES - Env.GlobalGovernance - P&E - Ravazzi

Friday, March 8, 2024

2. 2024.03.08 - UN-CBD - IPBES - Env.GlobalGovernance - P&E - Ravazzi

is available on the course webpage (focus on the GBF 4 Goals and 23 Targets; the Aichi Targets only for Students specializing in CBD).

Recommended Readings/Insights for Lesson 2:

- Rockstroem-Wijkman ch. 1 and 3

Navigate on:

- The CBD website https://www.cbd.int/

- The IPBES website https://www.ipbes.net/

- The EC website on Nature & Biodiversity https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/nature-and-biodiversity_en