First Midterm Reservations Open
Dear students, I would like to inform you that reservations for the first midterm exam are now open on the Delphi platform.
Students are kindly requested to make their reservation by October 25, 2024.
In case of any issues, please send me an email.
Alfonso Sorrentino
Class cancellation 26th September 2024
Dear students,
we have just noticed an error in the calendar. The Calculus Recitation classes scheduled for tomorrow 26th September will not be held and have been rescheduled for 2nd October from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Sorry for any inconveniences.
All the best
The Secretariat
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Department of Economics and Finance
Via Columbia, 2 – 00133 Rome
Tel: +39 06 7259 5823/5512
List of Group A & Group B
Dear Students,
please note that we have just added the Recitaion A & Recitation B class list into the teaching materials, so make sure you are in the right "Aula"for the first practice lesson of tomorrow.
All the best
The Secretariat
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Department of Economics and Finance
Via Columbia, 2 – 00133 Rome
Tel: +39 06 7259 5823/5512
Pre-course Final Test results
Dear Students,
we have just uploaded in the Teaching Materials the results of the Pre-course Final Test.
All the best
The Secretariat
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Department of Economics and Finance
Tel: +39 06 7259 5823/5512