exams tomorrow 2 p.m.
Dear all,
this is to inform you that exams tomorrow will start at 2 p.m.
Calendar January 2025
Dear all,
please find the file with the Schedule for Monday and Tuesday exams under Folder Materials:
00 Exams Calendar January 2025
Have a good week end!
Syllabus GAL - Reminder in preparation of the oral exam
Dear all,
just to remind you that the correct version of the syllabus is the one available in the folder "Teaching Materials" on the website, under the label "O. A. Syllabus . Syllabus Global Law A.Y. 2024-2025". Please refer to it for any issue concerning the preparation of the oral exam.
Federica and Livia
GAL Exam - Response papers' results
Dear all,
we hope your New Year is off to a good start.
The results of the new response papers are now available on the blackboard: see the folder named "Results".
If you see "Delay" or ">1000 words" it means that your grades are temporarily frozen because you did not submit the response within the deadline or because you did not respect the 1000 words limit. The issue will be brought to the attention of the competent professors and resolved by them.
See you tomorrow at 11.
Federica and Livia
GAL Exam - important info
Dear students,
as anticipated in today's class, the deadline for the submission of the response paper is December 29th at 12.30 LUNCHTIME.
The response paper must be sent to the following email address:
We would like to remind you to follow the instructions given by the professor and uploaded on this webpage.
Best wishes,
Federica and Livia
GAL Exam - important info
Dear students,
as anticipated in today's class, the deadline for the submission of the response paper is December 29th at 12.30 LUNCHTIME.
The response paper must be sent to the following email address:
We would like to remind you to follow the instructions given by the professor and uploaded on this webpage.
Best wishes,
Federica and Livia
Response papers topics
Dear all,
please find below the topics for your response papers: more details will be invluded in the file under section Reponse paper.
Have a nice Sunday!
1. Read the Kadi case (file named excerpt under ‘when legal orders collide’ section) and elaborate your response by expressing main views on the topic, on the basis of the various commentaries as well as moving from the points raised by all the essays available.
2. Private actors’ role in the global arena: provide a critical analysis of the main arguments and ideas pointed out in the various essays collected in the materials circulated.