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Edtech platforms benchmarking

Preferred profiles

  • Interest and experience in digital technologies
  • Interest in business/competitive strategy


The Education industry is undergoing very radical changes. On the “supply side”, Universities are looking at how new technologies and new players are reshaping the education industry, in terms of approaches and contents. On the “demand side”, companies are looking for new talents and they are more and more open to unconventional training paths.

YERUN, a European network of young universities (including Rome Tor Vergata – www.yerun.eu), is looking at innovation in teaching and learning and it is very much interested in mapping the EdTech landscape with respect to the “regular” activities of its members and to possible innovative new project proposals to be launched.


Benchmark existing Edtech companies, starting from the two most established ones (Coursera and edX) identifying the main educational services they are offering and the main functionalities they are offering (both for the course offering and the course certification).
Highlight the most innovative services that are based on cutting edge digital technologies (such as Artificial Intelligence for identifying the learning path to be followed by the learners, Virtual Reality for enriching the course contents or Blockchain for certifying the learning goals achievement).
Propose an industry mapping based on functionalities offered and company positioning.


Over six weeks students will be required to:

  • week 1: understand the basic issues related to EdTech and the main streams of innovation in the industry
  • weeks 2 and 3: identify the main EdTech players and map the basic functionalities they are offering
  • week 4: present the YERUN/Tor Vergata team a preliminary report on platform functionalities
  • week 4 and 5: deepen the benchmarking according to the feedbacks received, with a focus on the most innovative examples
  • week 6: deliver the final presentation.

Preferred profiles

  • Interest and experience in digital technologies
  • Interest in business/competitive strategy


The Education industry is undergoing very radical changes. On the “supply side”, Universities are looking at how new technologies and new players are reshaping the education industry, in terms of approaches and contents. On the “demand side”, companies are looking for new talents and they are more and more open to unconventional training paths.

YERUN, a European network of young universities (including Rome Tor Vergata – www.yerun.eu), is looking at innovation in teaching and learning and it is very much interested in mapping the EdTech landscape with respect to the “regular” activities of its members and to possible innovative new project proposals to be launched.