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Academic year 2024/2025

The Bachelor of Arts in Global Governance offers interdisciplinary teaching, which aims to prepare professionals to face global challenges that require specific legal and economic competencies, as well as a wide range of technical knowledge and skills to manage cultural mediation. The novelty of our approach is not only regarding the material covered, but also as far as the organization and the method are concerned.
All students will be asked to choose among three majors:
-Economics and Philosophy Major
-Political Science, Law and History Major
-Science and Technology Major
Students will be oriented to the Major choice with appropriate presentations from teachers and staff during the first semester of the second year. After that they will be able therefore to change the Major chosen in the first year if they so feel.

HERE the programme structure of the THIRD YEAR A.Y. 2023/2024

HERE the programme structure of the THIRD YEAR A.Y. 2022/2023

HERE the programme structure of the THIRD YEAR A.Y. 2021/2022

HERE the programme structure of the THIRD YEAR A.Y. 2020/2021

HERE the programme structure of the THIRD YEAR A.Y. 2019/2020

Discover the new programme structure

Discover the new programme structure