Greetings Earthlings! Charvi Pareek, this side, which is a Sanskrit word meaning: A beautiful lady; splendor and luster with background in Political Science, History, Psychology and English. I am from India, spiritual capital & land of Yoga as well studied in Bhutan, a country of Gross National Happiness. It is an honor to meet a team of Global mindset equally committed to pushing the limits of achieving meaningful collaboration and global bonding and I look forward to seeing where this happiness in knowledge adventure takes all of us. So! Am looking forward to this insightful global knowledge journey and yes! - would love to become friends for Globe and to exchange ideas, impulses and inspiration! Currently, I am interested in learning more about global knowledge; wonderfully allow merging fun, education, training, self-development & growth of world towards peace but absolutely not in pieces. Wishing you and me a lovely day -