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Hiiii everybody!!!!! My name's Cecilia and I am 19. I was born and raised in Rome, but I have lived for a semester in Canada and I hope that in my life I will get the chance to live in a lot of different countries, as I love exiting my routine and discovering new cultures. Spanish is my favorite language and I am particularly fond of the Mexican culture and whenever you see me with AirPods on, I am listening to some latin beats. In my free time, I enjoy walking and playing piano and I would love to learn how to play the guitar as well. My favorite season is summer and the beach is my favorite place of all. I love surfing and one thing in my must-do list is surfing in Australia. I have a necklace that I always have with me where a sun hangs, which I consider my symbol as I am generally a solar, cheerful and optimistic girl. I also consider myself as pretty determined and curious and I know that this course will be a good way of putting into practice these traits of mine together with all of my future colleagues. Can't wait to meet you all :)