Lucà Francesco
Francesco Lucà is an experienced auditor since joined EY in 2012. He conducts financial statements audit on both private and publicly traded clients in various industries including: Power & Utilities, Fashion, Consumer Products, Telecommunications and so on. He has a longstanding experience in the audit of several European Cooperation Programs financed by European Institutions. At EY he is a digital coordinator within MED Area (Italy, Spain and Portugal) and he has the responsibility of the implementation of Digital Transformation on audit in Italy. He has a degree in Economics and is a chartered accountants (Dottore Commercialista) and certified auditor (Revisore legale dei conti iscritto al Registro dei Revisori Legali presso il MEF). He is specialized in international accounting principles (IFRS) and Italian accounting principles (issued by OIC). Since 2016 he has several international experiences in facilitating internal courses at EY and since 2018 has a module within the Master in Accounting & Auditing at the University La Sapienza. In 2019/2020 he had a Seminar named “Practice on Accounting” at the University of Rome Tor Vergata