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Komornicka Aleksandra

Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow

Aleksandra is an international historian specialising in post-war Europe. She is currently a Research Associate in International History at the Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow. She holds a PhD from the European University Institute (2021), a MA from the London School of Economics (2016), and BAs from the University of Warsaw (2015 and 2014). Her research interests lie in economic history, European Integration, Cold War, and the history of the socialist regimes. In her doctoral thesis, Aleksandra dealt with the socialist Poland’s increasing entanglement with Western Europe in the 1970s. This study contributed to the ERC-funded research project ‘PanEur1970s’. Currently, Aleksandra is a team member of the ERC-funded ‘EURECON’ project, which investigates the history of the European Economic and Monetary Union. Specifically, she focuses on businesses’ attitude to economic and monetary cooperation in Europe between the 1950s and 1990s.