Recommended optional courses are
Optional courses (for a total of 12 CFU) can be done within the academic career:
For Business Administration curriculum
Introduction to Econometrics (Ist semester)
Mathematical Finance (Ist semester)
Public Economics and Policy (IInd semester)
Quantitative Methods III (IInd semester)
For Economics curriculum
Corporate and Business Strategy (Ist semester)
Contract and Obligations Law (Ist semester)
Business Organization (IInd semester)
Financial Analysis (IInd semester)
Elective courses for both curriculum
Economics and European Territorial Planning (Ist semester)
Designing, Implementing and Leading Virtual Teams in an Organisation (Ist semester)
Introduction to Organizational Change (Ist semester)
Strategic Entrepreneurial Behaviour (IInd semester)
Knowledge Management Foundations (IInd semester)
Managerial Decision Making (IInd semester)
Consumer Choices (IInd semester)
Retail Management (IInd semester)
Entrepreneurship and Business Model (IInd semester)
System Dynamics Modelling and Simulation for Intelligent Organizations (IInd semester)
Cost Analysis For Business Decisions (IInd semester)
Principles of Corporate Finance (IInd semester)
Organizing for arts and culture (IInd semester)
Human Resource Management Strategy in Family Business (IInd semester)