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Monday, June 10, 2024

Dear students,

most of our efforts have come to effect. I just published in Delphi the course grades, including those of today's test.

A few students did not pass the course, some did with a grade but they did not register on Delphi to have it recorded.

Check it up, in case, you still have another chance on the 28th of June. 

For those who have to clarify RELEVANT issues, you can write to:



Best of luck!

Fernando Giancotti


Monday, June 10, 2024




Monday, June 10, 2024


Dear students,



GG GIL Test Instructions 

Date: Monday, 10th of June 2024

Time: 09.00 as necessary

Students will be in presence, Aula Magna.

All students must have a computer and a valid ID card.


Recommendations to the students:

Be on time, be at 09.00 in front of Aula Magna. Students' Representatives will help with students’ identification. Before the test be ready to show your ID (personal or University issued) to authenticate yourself.

Organize your equipment well in advance.

You should take with you a laptop or tablet computer, able to connect to the internet to perform the test.

Before start, turn off any program, instant messaging, social networking service, email notification or any other application that may distract you from the test or interfere with it.

The class reference material files are also allowed (digital and hard copies).

Browse the ClassMarker website (www.classmarker.com).

Track the time during the test, accounting for any technical problems that may occur.

Commit your full attention to the test.

Don’t use hats, hoods, scarves and any other clothing that cover the face. The use of earphones, in-ear headphones or similar devices is forbidden and their use will lead to the annulment of the test.  

During the examination there must be the absolute silence


The test will be executed through the ClassMarker website.

Students will receive a personal username and password from ClassMarker before the test.

Students must go on the ClassMarker website (www.classmarker.com) and verify the access. If You didn’t receive username and password check your spam folder before asking for assistance.

Credentials are not to be shared with anybody. Do not change username and password. 

Once authentication is complete and all aspects have been verified, the exam will start. 

Upon a “Go Ahead” sign by the Professors, students need to get access to the ClassMarker website and start the assigned test.

 Help Desk: During the test, problems related to the exam or other requests must be quietly reported to the teacher.   

Reference: Textbook, handouts and slides provided during the course. Study them carefully!!


Rules of Engagement 

  • It is an “Open Book” test. Students can have their textbook, slides and handouts available, also in digital format.
  • The time Limit is 60 minutes for 60 multiple-choice questions.
  • After 60 minutes the test will end automatically.
  • Questions and answers are randomly shuffled for each student.
  • You have to answer every question to move forward.
  • For each question, there is only one most correct answer.
  • Only one question at a time will be visible on the screen.
  • Once answered, you cannot go back to the previous questions.
  • Do not use the browser’s back/forward buttons: move on using the “Next” button.
  • Do not use the browser’s refresh command.
  • Do not resize your window.

(Those actions can freeze the test software).

  • You are not allowed to take snapshot of the test.
  • Students that will suffer of severe technical issues will redo the exam in another session.
  • Once completed the test, the student cannot leave the classroom, nor get up until all students will have ended the test. If you need a quick break ask permission to the teacher.
  • Neglect of above instructions or misconduct will be cause for downgrade or sanctions according to the code of conduct. 

See you tomorrow and good luck!                                                  Fernando Giancotti


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Dear students, 

we got an update of the Course Secretariat about grade communication. 

Grades will not be anticipated, but recorded on Delphi on the 10th of June. Then the students will have 3 days to to accept, reject or ask for more details about their grade on the platform. At this point, depending on the answers, the students will proceed accordingly. Professor Piga normally advises students not to reject the grade, but for students who have failed or want to reject the grade, the next useful call will be the second one, reported on Delphi.

 The students have three calls for the exam and in our case the attendants have the call immediately after the end of the classes, the second summer call (10th of June) and the autumn call in September. Therefore, those who took the 10th April exam do not have access to the 10th June call (if they fail or they would like to refuse the grade). 

 So, students who took the 10th April exam and did not register for the 10th June call, will only be able to record their grade in the September call and they need to make sure to register for the exam.

Best regards, I hope that all goes well for you!

Fernando Giancotti


Final Work Assignment - Front Page and other questions

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Dear students,

there are a few questions about what is a front page. I have amended the template to clearly show one. You have a new Final Work Assignment for that. If you follow the format, the length of the paper will be determined, In any case, two full pages AND a front page. 

Best of luck and have fun!



Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Notice to Group 5.

You have not loaded any final documents, according to the instructions : 

  • Please upload your documents, named “[Group Number] _ STRATEX FINAL”, here;

Check it up


Multiple choice test - 10th of April 2024 ERRATA CORRIGE

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Dear students,

in the many rewriting of the istructions, I missed to report one correction: The test will have 70 questions for 70 minutes. This has been done inserting 10 easier questions to ease an actually difficult test and give you more time to do it.




Friday, March 22, 2024

Dear students,

as anticipated, I have loaded on Materiale Didattico the Final Work Assignment. You can start working on it, since the lesson phase is over. You could anyway benefit from the STRATEX to improve it, so plan as you see fit.

As mentioned, on your first group session you will have to appoint two Group Representatives. They will be the main speakers for the group and will have to certify on behalf of their group the actual contribution of the members to the STRATEX.

They will also make sure that the special STRATEX attendance roster is filled at the beginning of each session. 

See you on the 25th in Aula Magna and on the 26th in T2.

Have a nice week end

Fernando Giancotti


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Dear students,

as announced in class, you can find on DIDA your STRATEX material on AI. We will address exercise issues.

Be ready to ask questions about the whole thing.

See you tomorrow! ; )

Fernando Giancotti


Assignment for class - 18.3.2024

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Dear students,

as anticipated in class, you are requested to read the STRATEX Exercise Guidance that I have uploaded on DIDA, to be able to relate our next classes to what you will be doing for the STRATEX.

See you tomorrow!

Fernando Giancotti

Assignment for class of the 14th of march

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Dear students, I have uploaded on DIDA the slides for the last class of tomorrow (14.03),  as follows:

CLASS 14 mar. (14-17)

 Reference material:

  • slides M. “The innovative leader”


  • Leadership and Innovation
  • Innovative Leaders' competency model

See you tomorrow!

Andrea Mastrorilli

Assignment for class of the 15th, 18th, 19th and 21st of March 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Dear students,

we are about to start our journey in the mysterious realm of Strategic Leadership, the one that is badly needed for a Global Governance.            Complexity and Chaos will accompany us to broaden our mind, while they challenge us in our uncertain and dangerous world. This is your unique chance to enter this arena so early in life, to keep growing fast toward an understanding for impact in the complex matters that you will have to face, sooner rather than later. And very soon we'll go into our adventurous Stratex 24, where you will together walk the talk we have been doing. Get your enthusiasm up, we will have fun. But you will be challenged, so be ready for it. To start with, read your assignments and consult you reference material for each class: you will understand and therefore work better and you will have an edge in your exams.

Here follow the assignments for the above mentioned classes.


 1)     Reading assignment for this class:

-        Text Book: pg 25-39

-        Handouts: The Triune Brain; Thinking Fast and Slow

2)     Reference material: Slides G. 62-116

3)     Topics:

-        Strategic Leadership and the Narrow Mind


-        Reading assignment for this class:

-        Text Book: 40-69;

-        Book Chapter: Testimonies and Complexity;

-        Handout:   Testimonies and Complexity;

-        Links: 4. and 5. , Lorenz Attractor and Meltingasphalt simulation

-        Links: Trailer to “Jurassic Park”; Trailer to “Sliding Doors”; Seeing the movies advised.

-        Reference material: Slides “Introduction to Complexity Theories”; Slides “Leadership, Complexity and Chaos - 117-137;

-        Topics: Introduction to Complexity Theories; Complexity, organizations and decisions


1)       Reading assignment for this class:

-        Text Book:

-        Handout: The Heart of Change.

2)       Reference material: Slides G. 212 - 263.

3)     Topics:

Change, Leadership and complexity.



1 )  Reading assignment for this class:

-      Text Book: 70-90;

2)  Reference material: Slides 190-198.

3)   Topics: CAL Loop & C2PS Models for Decision Making

Have fun and see you on Friday!

Fernando Giancotti

reference material and reading assignment of 08.03 and 12.03 classes

Monday, March 11, 2024

Dear students,

as you will have seen, on DIDA (in the Team Leadership folder) I have uploaded the slides and the corresponding reading assignments of the last class (08.03) and the next one (12.03). For the sake of clarity, here is a summary of the reading assignments and reference materials for these classes:

Class 8 mar. (16-18)

Reading assignment for this class:

  • Handout : Classical Leadership
  • Handout : Primal Leadership

Reference material:

  • slides M.: 5. Leadership theories and empowerment
  • sildes M.: 6. Team leadership (from 1 to 14) 

Class 12 mar. (14-16)

Reading assignment for this class:

  • Handout : Team Leadership
  • Handout : Tuckman’s Model;
  • Maslows-Hierarchy-of-Needs
  • Goal-Setting Theory of Motivation

Reference material:

  • slides “6. Team Leadership” (from 15 to 47)

As soon as possible, I will add an in-depth handout on team leadership, for those who would like to delve deeper into the subject after the lecture. See you tomorrow.

Warm greetings,

Andrea Mastrorilli

GG Group Interaction and Leadership Course exams

Friday, March 8, 2024

Dear students,

our course is rolling and in about a month you will have your first evaluation. Read the syllabus about how the course is evaluated. On the 10th of April, from 09.00 to 12.00, you will have two exams. The first one will be a multiple choice test on all course material: textbook, slides, handouts etc.. Basically all course content you can find in MATERIALE DIDATTICO on DIDA. The test is tough, so you really need to read well and know your stuff. The second exam will be the projection of the Stratex video of all 10 groups. It will be a way to share the diverse team experiences. The video will be evaluated in class and the grade will be weighed together with the one of the final Stratex document.

On the 24th of April, after two weeks, you will have to submit the Final Work: a short paper and a personal video. Detailed instructions will follow. 

Before the end of May you will receive your grades. 

Exams are in presence, so do not plan to be absent.

For general questions about GIL course examinations, you can go through your GG representatives. For private or personal issues, you can write to globalgovernancegil@gmail.com .

See you soon and have fun!

Fernando Giancotti

teaching material of 05.03 and 06.03 classes and reading assignments for 07.03 class

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Dear students,

I have uploaded the slides for the 05.03. and 06.03. lectures and the test on emotional intelligence (in case you want to assess yourself on this important skill) in the "self-leadership folder". You will also find the following reading assignment for the 07.03. class:

- handout: classical leadership;

- handout: primal leadership;

- test LEAD, Leader_Effectiveness_and_Adaptability.

If you have any doubts, please let me know in the classroom. 

See you tomorrow,

Andrea Mastrorilli

Handouts for 05.03 and 06.03 classes

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Dear students,

I have uploaded the following handouts and teaching materials for the next two classes (05.03 and 06.03) in "Materiale Didattico":

Handouts for Class 05.03:

- how to be a mindful leader;

- stress management for leaders

- mindfulness and leadership

Handouts and materials for Class 06.03:

- emotional intelligence;

- mindfulness and self-efficacy

- SMART Goal Worksheet

You will find them inside the folder named "self leadership". I recommend that you take a look at them before the lectures. See you soon

Andrea Mastrorilli

Slides of first two classes (29.02 and 01.03)

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Dear students, I've added in "teaching materials" the slides of my first two classes (29.02 and 01.03):
- 1. the neuroscience of leadership
- 2. Self Leadership part 1- self awareness 
Next Monday I will upload the assignments for the next two lessons, so stay tuned!

Have a great weekend, see you on Tuesday the 5th!

Andrea Mastrorilli