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Isabella POCHINI

Università degli Studi di Torino - Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economia dell'Ambiente, della Cultura e del Territorio

My name is Isabella Pochini, I am 19.
I'm from Rome, where I graduated from Liceo Classico Europeo at Convitto Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele II, getting both the Italian diploma and the French Baccalauréat.
I spent my fourth year of High School in Paris, France, where I learned to be independent, self-confident and acquired French proficiency.

My first year as a Global Governance student was fantastic. I chose this program because of its interdisciplinary structure, hoping to learn how to look at issues from different perspectives and find the best solutions: it did not disappoint my expectations.
I got passionate about the Disaster Risk Management field, where I may like to specialize one day.

I love traveling and nature is my cure-all. I am inspired by foreign and different cultures and traditions, even though my favorite destination remains mountain, where I find my own peace and relief.

CLASS OF 2014-2015