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Here below you will find the complete list of our graduated students who enrolled in the A.Y. 2016/17. We are proud to show the excellent results they achieved also thanks to the B.A. in Global Governance.

The aim of this Alumni Archive is to inspire young students like you to reach your goal having a guide to follow.

Feel free to contact our students via email or to follow them on Linkedin, in order to get more advices!

Take a vision of the job categories below to fully understand in which field do they work!


Job Categories

Strategy/Development; Audit/Consulting, Finance:

-Consulting and audit firms;
-Banking and finance industries, or in corporate management, strategy and business development positions;  
-Financial regulatory authorities.

Public Administration & Politics:

-EU Institutions;
-National and local government authorities;
-Large companies that do business with public authorities or focus on european issues.

Human resources & Employee relations:

-Public or private organisations in fields such as HR development (recruitment, university relations, education, career, management etc.), HR studies, HR communication or employee relations;
-Recruitment firms, human resource consulting firms or in corporatee management positions.

Marketing & Communication:

-Organisations looking to publicize their activities, mission or products, from NGOs to multinational coorporations;

-Consulting firms specialised in communication, marketing and advertising.

Press, Media & Publishing:

-Television, radio, press agencies, newspapers, the web etc.

International Cooperation & Development:

-World governance;
-Organisations, including both NGOs and intergovernmental;
-Organisations such as the OECD, UN, IMF, WTO, WB, etc.

Economics & Legal Careers:

-Barristers or solicitors;
-Legal departments of major companies;
-Legal experts in European or international organisations, both governemental and non.

Urban Affairs:

-Consulting firms, architectural firms and design offices;
-Local governments or international organisations, development or urban planning agencies, and in property development;
-Social housing and real estate.

Research & Think Tanks:

-Research institutions;
-Think tanks.


-Start-ups, manage companies or lead entrepreneurial;
-Projects within public or private organisations.







Document Controller at Falcon Group - Iraq

Al Mulla Mohammed

MSc in Business Administration - University of Rome Tor Vergata
Consultant | International Relations | Communication | Development

Ali Mohammad Ashique

MSc Development and International Cooperation Sciences - University of Rome Sapienza
Analyst | Project Coordinator at SwIdeas AB | EU projects management

Apicella Lavinia

MA Advanced Migration Studies - University of Copenhagen
Environment & Chemicals at FleishmanHillard EU

Biraschi Rebecca

MSc Global Development - Copenhagen University
Consulente presso Promo PA Fondazione

Bono Francesco

MA Public Policy - Hertie School of Governance
Marketing Specialist and Special Price Agreement Manager at Schneider Electric

Budakova Iva

MA in Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations - University of Sheffield
Sustainability Trainee at Camaleà³n Consultorà­a Sustentable

D'Achille Lavinia

LLM Sustainable Development - University of Milan La Statale
Supply Chain Auditor chez Kering

Felici Elisa

MSc Anthropology and development management - London school of economics and political science
I am recent graduate (MSc in Global Development) and I am currently working in the nonprofit sector.

Festa Elsa Maria

MSc in Global Development - Copenhagen University
Programme Officer for Soil Health - ECOS

Forbicini Martina

Environmental Management and Policy MSc Graduate
global studies specialist

Frasca Carlotta

MS International Relations - LUISS Guido Carli
Security Analyst, Snam | Oxford Graduate

Fujii Tamoi

MSc Global Governance and Diplomacy - University of Oxford
Project Coordinator at Arbeitskreis Nordost

Grube Selene

MSc student in International Humanitarian Action
Market Risk Specialist at Kapitalbank | Co-founder of Stubie.org

Hasanov Shahmar

Trinity College MSc in International Politics Graduate. Office Coordinator at USAID's and SIDA's joint Media Innovation Activity project, implemented by IREX.

Ilic Uros


Krah Emmanuel Plarhar

MSc Business Administration - University of Rome Tor Vergata
Junior Fund Consultant | KPMG Italy Public Sector

Li Jingyuan

MSc Business Administration - University of Rome Tor Vergata
Cyber Security Analyst at NTT Data

Marcelli Silvia

MSc Cyber risk, Strategy and Governance - Bocconi University
Research Fellow at The GovLab

Marcucci Sara

MSc Media and Communications - London School of Economics and Political Science
Analyst in Change Management & Organization Design at Deloitte Consulting

Miligi Ilaria

Msc Political Psychology of International Relations - University of Birmingham
Intern at RBB Economics | MSc Economic and Social Sciences at Bocconi University

Muzi Chiara

MSc Economic and Social Sciences - Bocconi University
Junior Sustainability Analyst at EcoVadis

Patrizi Arianna

Master Resource Economics and Sustainable Development - University of Bologna
Studente presso Universiteit van Amsterdam

Pesoli Anita

Master Cultural and Social Anthropology - University of Amsterdam
Strategy and Governance Junior Consultant at DGS S.p.A.

Poggioli Riccardo

Msc Business Administration - University of Rome Tor Vergata

Sabatini Marianna

MSc Business Administration - University of Rome Tor Vergata
Faculty for a Future

Saglietti Clara

PhD in Sustainability Transitions at Chalmers MSc Environmental studies and Sustainability science - Lund University
Intern at Geneva Environment Network

Schiavelli Claudia

MA International Affairs - Geneva Graduate institute
Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst presso Telsy

Schininà Elettra

MA Political Science - University of Bologna
Jr Product Manager @Rayban | Hugo Boss | ESCP MIM

Sebastiani Alice

Master International Management - ESCP Europe
EU Affairs & Sustainability

Severi Giorgio

MA International Relations - University of Bologna
Research And Policy Analyst at Gulf State Analytics

Siniscalco Marco

MA International Affairs - Hertie School of Governance
Student Assistant presso Statista

Subioli Tommaso

MSc Politics, Economics and Philosophy - Universität Hamburg
Ph.D. Candidate in Human Geography - University of Turku, Finland

Tomassi Oliver

MSc Global Development - Copenhagen University
Marketing Strategist @ heArt Social Official

Vallati Ludovica

LM Economia e Management delle Arti e delle attività Culturali - Ca’ Foscari University

Last Update: January 2022