Global Governance Program requires students to finalize their academic career with the presentation and the discussion of a written thesis, to be defended before a Commission composed by Professors of the course in a Graduation session (worth 6 CFU).
Each year we will organize three graduation sessions:
- the main session (in July)
- the Fall session (in October)
- the Winter session (in March of the following year, in time for the regular conclusion of the academic path, with no additional payment for a fourth year)
In this page we introduce students to the formal procedures to be followed and the methods of preparing the final thesis.
First step: Assignment. Once having chosen his/her specialization of the third year, the student chooses the course – among those taught in the program – in which to prepare the thesis. The request must be presented to the Professor of the course and discussed with him/her, who has to accept the request. The Professor will be your Supervisor throughout your work on the final thesis and will lead your presentation before the Commission.
Please take note that:
Second step: Study and writing. After having reached an agreement with the Professor/Supervisor, the student must start his/her work! Subject, title, methods, bibliography, dimension of the thesis will be discussed with the Supervisor and can change on the basis of the subject and the preferences of the Professor. Click here to open the frontispiece template.
You must know that:
Third step: Assessment. Your Supervisor will assess the quality of the thesis and will admit you to the graduation session. In order for your thesis to be accepted, it must also pass the Turnitin Anti-plagiarism Check. Turnitin is the global leader in evaluating and improving student’s learning. The company’s cloud-based service for originality checking, online grading and peer review saves instructors time and provides rich feedback to students. Check the guidelines for your thesis eligibility here. About Turnitin:
- You can use this service to verify that your thesis is original work.
- Do not upload the index, bibliography and annexes onto Turnitin.
- Once you have uploaded the file, there will be a two hour waiting period to receive a response.
- Your response will be provided with the plagiarism percentage indicated next to a colored square; click on that square to see the parts of your thesis which Turnitin indicates as plagiarized. Modify the plagiarized contents and resubmit your thesis to verify the level of original work.

Please be advised that:
Fourth step: Administrative application. The student is now ready to finalize his/her administrative procedures for the graduation session. The student is required to formally apply for the graduation session through the Delphi System, the on-line system that all the students use to manage their administrative procedures. Forms and procedures for admission to the graduation session are on line at
Please take note that during the formal application, Delphi System will require students to upload the invoice of the payment of the graduation session fee (16 Euro), to be paid by each student according to the instruction provided by the Delphi System. |
In this fourth step a special care must be taken about the deadlines. The deadlines change year per year, according to the dates of the graduation session. Even though the Secretariat will inform students about the deadlines, students must be aware that taking care of the deadlines is their duty.
Fifth step: Administrative documents. After having finalized the Delphi System application, the student is required to end the administrative procedures sending via email to the “Segreteria Studenti” of the School of Economics - -the following documents:
- the request for admission to the graduation session (on Delphi website);
- Almalaurea receipt;
- €16 payment receipt (already validated);
- a supplementary declaration in PDF for exams/ internship not yet recorded in Delphi, indicating name and code of the exam (801....), date in which it took , name of the teacher;
- a valid ID document.
Please be aware that:
- Soft copy of the thesis
The student is required to upload the final version of the thesis (in ZIP format) on Delphi system within and no later than 5 working days before the date of the thesis defence or within the date established by the "Segreteria Studenti" .
If the student fails to submit the thesis within the deadline period (5 days before his/her graduation day) he/she will not be admitted to the thesis discussion.
The student is also required to give the hard copy of the final version of the thesis to the supervisor and to the co-supervisor.*
Sixth step: Graduation session. Administrative stuff is now over! The student can now focus on the oral presentation of the thesis before the Commission, which will take place in a date decided by the Board. The Supervisor will help the student in preparing the discussion. Students must be aware that their presentation will last around 20/30 minutes and that they will be required to defend the thesis before a Commission of Professors who will ask questions about the thesis. Students can present Power Point or other materials, informing the Secretariat in advance. *The student’s tutor will in general be the co-supervisor of the thesis. One other external advisor, allowed by the Board 2 months before graduation upon a specific request by the student, is allowed to participate as an active observer, who will be able to ask questions and sit at the discussion table with the other members of the Commission, with no power to decide the final grade of the student.
At the end of the presentation the Commission will assess the thesis, after having heard the opinion of the Supervisor and co-supervisor.
To the final test, the Commission may award a maximum of 5 points out of 110 plus the additional point awarded only to those who by graduating in the first useful session in the third year (July) have (taking into account any justifications as detailed in the Course Guidelines):
- attended the Global Governance Interdisciplinary Symposium and the One Theme Project every year (exceptions: from the third year for students matriculated in the academic year 2022-23 and from the second year for students matriculated in the academic year 2023-24);
- attended 100 % of the hours of the third academic year professionalizing workshop at the end of February;
- attended all 6 presentations of the Majors in the first semester of the second year (valid starting with those matriculated in 2023-24) and all 3 “Life of a Graduate” presentations in the second semester of the third year;
- attended at least 5 Global Conversations per semester if the number of Conversations per semester is more than five (otherwise, when the number is less than five, to that number minus one) with the exception of students in Erasmus/Overseas/VIU semester;
- attended the "Global Governance Intesa Sanpaolo day".
The student will not be considered for the additional point if he/she has been sanctioned for misconduct or improper behavior by the Rector based on a disciplinary proceeding initiated by the “Commissione istruttoria per l’applicazione di sanzioni disciplinari agli studenti” starting in September 2024 or if he/she has made a false statement (through the booking via app) about attendance in any of the above activities (Interdisciplinary Symposium and the One Theme Project, professionalizing workshop, all the 6 presentations of the Majors, all 3 "Life of a Graduate", at least 5 Global Conversations, the "Global Governance Intesa Sanpaolo day").
Here an explanation on how to calculate the final grade of your Bachelor: take your weighted average, multiply it by 11 and divide by 3, round it up to the nearest number and you obtain your starting point. The laude can be assigned, on discretionary decision of the Commission and in case of high scientific quality of the work, to those students who reach the mark of 110/110. |
For graduation session, dressing is based on your personal opinion, but overly relaxed appearance is not welcomed.
Seventh step: Graduation ceremony
At the end of each graduation session, there will be a graduation ceremony for all the graduated students, accordingly the conditions established each time by the Board.
Attachments |
We do remind you that during your thesis defense you will NOT be allowed any powerpoint presentation. Exceptions can be made only for excerpts of your thesis showing
No slide with statements of any sort will be allowed. |