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At Global Governance, we want our students to think out of the box and exit their comfort zone, thinking imaginatively, developing creative solutions to complex challenges and adapting to changing circumstances and new constraints.

To enable them to do so, the programme structure is aimed at developing "Soft Skills" among students: team building, leadership skills, cross cultural diversity management, role-playing in a firm, project management and negotiation skills.

This is why first year students attend the courses:

  • Upon arrival, students will be exposed to "Team Building", led by senior GG students. Stereotypes and prejudices generate distances and exclusions. This workshop has a double aim: speed up the socialization process among the participants and focus the attention on the mechanisms of opposing groups. The methodology is based on the alternation of several approaches with indoor and outdoor lessons.
  • "Applied English: Speech and Performance", led by Professor Douglas Brown and Hauwa Ibrahim. The aim of the course is to strengthen each student’s confidence and skills with spoken and written English generally, as well as to build up their communication skills for both academic situations and working in a professional environment. The themes of self-management and team-working will run through all of the course topics.
  • "Group Interaction and Leadership", led by Professor Gen. Fernando Giancotti of the Italian Air Force. The aim of the course is to develop a cognitive approach apt to promptly understand and elaborate on leadership issues, starting from small group dynamics up to the strategic leadership level, key for governance of complex systems. Conflict management and negotiation concepts and techniques are addressed as enablers of effective collective interaction.
  • "How to write an academic paper": led by Professor Mattia Maglione. This course introduces the skills needed to write well-organized essays, focusing specifically on argumentative essays. Topics covered include thesis statement development, paragraph and overall paper structure, organizing and outlining, paraphrasing and summarizing, and citation and documentation standards.

In the second year more mandatory social skills are taught and debated in the 6 credit course of Effective skills and behaviors at work held by Proff. K-K Meyer-Ross and Prof. Douglas Brown. In it, students will first learn about adaptability and flexibility at work and strengthen their own emotional intelligence, as well as learn how to interact professionally, lead a team, communicate within an international team context and apply work ethics. Also, students will learn how to practice skills and behaviors to support their professional experience and growth through some of the key components of a business organizations: goals setting, performance and time management, live and perform in a teamwork environment, ethic & compliance game rules, personal branding.

Third year courses are offered according to students' preference. This year, our students have the opportunity to attend several workshops:

  • Entrepreneurship & Blockchain. This course aims to provide students with a solid understanding of the internal and external factors that shape an organization’s ability to create value. Students will be familiarized with tools to analyze industries, sectors, competitive advantages, firm resources, and competitive positioning, both on the individual business and the corporate level.

  • Literature, Statecraft, World Order. The course will focus on literature statecraft and world order. It will try to demonstrate that geopolitics does not explain everything, and that myths, traditions and literature are equally important to understand how the world really works.

  • Generative Economy and experience-based introduction. Starting from the “natural” concepts of Common Good, Equal Opportunity, Inequality, and Sustainability, the course will seek to solicit reflection on additional aspects in the domain of Economics such as Resources, Profit, Mutualism, as well as some elements belonging to specific issues of the banking world: Risk, Interest, Financial Sustainability.

  • Public Policy and Administration. The course aims to train students in the analysis, design, evaluation, activation and management of public policies taking Italy as a benchmark case study. The course focuses on the implications of globalization and the need for an international comparative perspective to understand the formulation, implementation and results of public policies.

  • Diplomatic Negotiation. The course will focus on nature and technique of the diplomatic negotiation, both in bilateral and multilateral context. In addition to a general overview of possible patterns, also selected cases and practical examples based on the experience of the lecturer/practitioner will be extensively used to describe the negotiation process under different aspects: contents, interests and values, skills, formats, tools. Moreover, the impact of new technologies  on the development of diplomatic mechanisms will be analyzed.