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All WINNER CANDIDATES IN THE FIRST ROUND  must complete the online pre-enrollment procedure by June 30, 2024.

To secure their position, successful candidates must:

  1. Connect to the Delphi system: [Delphi System](https://delphi.uniroma2.it/totem/jsp/index.jsp?language=EN).
  2. Select “Student Section” > Point 2 > “Pre-enrollment” > Point a) “Start application procedures.”
  3. Fill in the form with the required data. Make sure to include the course code (T16 - T17) chosen during the application process; otherwise, the system will not recognize the fiscal code. The system will generate the application form and a payment bulletin.
  4. Print the application form and the payment bulletin (keep them for your records).
  5. Pay the bulletin amount of €156 (non-refundable).
  6. Payment must be made through the PagoPA system, which allows payment through various physical or online channels. More information on payment methods is available at the following link: [PagoPA Payment Methods](http://studenti.uniroma2.it/pagamento/).
  7. Keep the CTRL identification code issued during the pre-enrollment procedure. This code, along with the Italian Tax Code, will allow to retrieve the data and proceed with enrollment.
  8. After the payment, re-enter the Pre-enrollment section, and click on "Confirm PagoPA." [Please note: The validation timeline for the payment may vary depending on the payment channel used. If the system does not allow immediate validation, wait a few hours]. IMPORTANT: Payment validation is NECESSARY to confirm the pre-enrollment!
  9. Use only the payment slip issued by the system during pre-enrollment. Any other payment method (e.g., direct bank transfer) will not be valid for this procedure and will not be refunded.


Payments can be made:

- Online with a credit card by connecting to [PagoPA](http://utov.it/pagopa).

- Via the PagoPA’s APP IO if you have SPID credentials.

- Via home/mobile banking through the CBILL circuit or other members of the PagoPA system.

- At bank branches or ATMs that support the CBILL circuit or are members of the PagoPA system.

- At Sisal/Lottomatica ticket offices.


Note: It is not possible to pay the PagoPA bulletin at Poste Italiane counters.


You can find a guide for PagoPA payment in English.


**N.B.** The pre-enrollment fee (€156) corresponds to the first installment payment for the academic year 2024/2025 and is non-refundable. This payment will be valid for enrollment for all students who complete the procedure in July. Students who do not complete the enrollment will not be reimbursed.





Successful candidates in ALL selection rounds must complete the enrollment procedure by following the instructions in the link

https://studenti.uniroma2.it/immatricolazione/ and within the deadlines set out below:

  • from July 15 to July 30, 2024 (for winner candidates of the first round of selection) (*)
  • from September 16 to September 30, 2024 (for winner candidates of the second round of selection) (**)

PLEASE NOTE: It is not possible to enroll after the deadlines indicated above. Those who do not complete all the requirements within the indicated deadlines will be considered to have withdrawn and the vacant positions will be reassigned in subsequent selection rounds.

(*) The enrollment procedure is also mandatory for successful candidates in the FIRST selection round and who have already completed pre -enrolment.

 (**) The successful candidates based on the rankings of the possible SECOND selection round (round reserved only for EU and non-EU candidates already regularly residing in Italy at the time of sending the application to participate in the competition) will have to proceed directly with registration according to the deadlines indicated above.

For the candidates with title abroad and NON-EU citizens residing abroad visa applicants to consult The following Art. 13 of the announcement.

PLEASE NOTE: Candidates legally residing in Italy referred to in art. 26 of law no. 189/2002, in possession of a qualification obtained from an Italian institution, to complete enrollment they must first validate their residence permit at the Student Secretariat to which the Degree Course belongs. The residence permit must be valid and must fall within the typology required for access to higher education in Italy (LEGISLATIVE DECREE 25 July 1998, n. 286 ).

PLEASE NOTE: Candidates in possession of a foreign diploma they will be allowed at the selection with reserve. If they are winners, they will have to proceed with registration by following the instructions available at following links:

PLEASE NOTE: In case Of irregularities from the documentation provided relative to the title abroad, registration of the student will be automatically cancelled of office.

Enrollment following the steps below:

  1. Fill out the evaluation questionnaire on the website "Quest Test"
  2. Save the code of the questionnaire (CQ) issued by the system (Attention: the CQ has a validity of five days from the date of completion of the questionnaire, once expired it has to be filled in again)
  3. Connect to Delphi system and select "Area Studenti / Student Section" and click on "2 - Immatricolazione / Enrollment" 
  4.  Select "a. Compila la domanda / Start application procedure" 
  5. During the registration, enter all your data and be aware that:
    • If you want to pay the second installment in a single payment rather than in two payments, select the correct option; 
    • The student self-certifies the high-school diploma (s)he holds. The University checks the information in the self-certification, in accordance with the provisions of current regulations in force.
  6. Select "Stampa / Print": the system will issue the application and the bulletin to pay (for students with an italian diploma) or the documents to upload (for students with a foreign diploma). 




In order to conclude the on-line enrolment, you must upload in the system all requested documents by the "International Students Office".


In order to correctly enroll to a Bachelor or Single-cycle program you must provide:

  • Statement of Comparability issued by the CIMEA or a true copy of the final title obtained after at least 12 years of education, with official translation in Italian and validated by the Italian competent authorities in the Country of the educational system attended, accompanied by the original of the Declaration of Value of the final title issued by the Italian competent authorities for the territory.

Given the current circumstances due to the Covid-19, in order to finalize the enrolment we suggest you to request the Statement of Comparability to the CIMEA by registering at the following link: https://cimea.diplo-me.eu/torvergata/#/auth/login

In case the title is obtained after less than 12 years of education, then you must provide:

  1. Certification of the partial academic studies accomplished with an official translation in Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities. This validation is not necessary if the certification presents the “Aja Apostille”.
  2. Academic title obtained in a Non-University institution with an official translation in Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities. This validation is not necessary if the certification presents the “Aja Apostille”.
  3. Certification of a foundation course released by the Italian secondary school institutions as a complementary title of the schooling abroad.

Note that the abovementioned additional or complementary certifications of titles obtained with less than 12 years of education allow the enrolment to the first academic year and cannot be evaluated for enrolment with the abbreviation of course in order to avoid a double evaluation of the same titles.

  • Copy of the certificate that states the student passed the proficiency test for access to the universities if expected and mandatory in your Home Country (Selectividad in Spain; Prova geral de Acesso in Portugal; etc.) with an official translation in Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities. This validation is not necessary if the certification presents the “Aja Apostille”.
  • Copy of the Stay Permit (only for non-EU students regularly resident in Italy).
  • Copy of the Fiscal Code.
  • Copy of the Acceptance Letter, when provided.

Once you have obtained the required documents, follow these steps:

  1. Select in the Student Area, Button 2 – Enrollment, then select point "b. You have already filled in the application";
  2. Enter your Fiscal Code and CTRL;
  3. Upload the documents required for the enrolment. It is necessary to upload ONE pdf file for each document;
  4. Wait for the International Students Office’s response: the office will send the student an email where all the steps will be described (the printing of the bulletin, the online payment, the validation, and the obtainment of the matricola and password). (The bulletin will be equal to 0 in case of pre-enrolment);
  5. Submit the original documents digitally uploaded on the Delphi System (point l) and a valid residence permit (for non-EU students only) to the International Students Office (Via Cracovia n. 50 - Building D floor 0) within January 31. The appointment can be taken from here: https://prenotazioni.uniroma2.it/segreteria-international-students/ 
  6. Students who will not present the original documents will not be allowed to take exams. 

IMPORTANT: The International Students Office will check the regularity of the documents and in case they are not provided or are incomplete, the admission will be invalid.


International Students Office

Address: Via Cracovia n.50 – 00133 Rome (Building D – ground floor – room n. 001)

Office Hours: Monday and Friday: 9-12 a.m.; Wednesday: 9-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.

email: international.students@uniroma2.it

phone: +39 06 7259.2567/3231/3233/2566



Payment of taxes and university contributions

All information regarding the calculation of taxes and contributions, with the related deadlines and payment methods, will be available in the 2024/2025 Student Guide published on the University portal: http://web.uniroma2.it/ and http: //studenti.uniroma2.it/

Furthermore, all the possibilities for total or partial exemption from paying taxes and contributions will be specified in the Guide (*).

For the specific Degree Course in Business Administration and Economics , all information on fees and contributions is available on the page:


(*) In particular, we would like to point out the exemption from paying the university contribution for the first year for all students who enroll for the first time at the University of Tor Vergata on a course of study for which the entrance qualification is a diploma of high school diploma , and have obtained a top grade (100/100 or 60/60 ) from an Italian educational institution. In this case only the stamp duty and the regional tax will have to be paid


Once payment has been validated, it is necessary to upload the following documents to the Delphi portal:

  • a passport-sized photo
  • a copy of a valid identification document (front and back);

Then, the student must book an appointment at the physical or virtual counter of the Student Secretary office for the recognition and validation of the photo and document uploaded by December 20, 2024. The appointment must be taken from https://prenotazioni.uniroma2.it/

After the validation the enrolment is completed. If the recognition step is not completed delphi functions will be limited. 

Students' Secretary of the School of Economics
via Columbia, 2 - Building B, Ground Floor
Front Office Hours: Monday and Friday 9-12 a.m.; Wednesday 9-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.