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The groupwork results & the final marks (test+groupwork) are on the course website

Monday, June 17, 2024

Dear All,

The results are on the course website and on Delphi. In case you don't accept the mark, please write it directly on Delphi.



Exam rules and sample test are on the course website

Friday, April 26, 2024

Dear All,

exam rules and sample test are on the course website. Please check them and get ready for May 9th at 10:00.

I've also included in the Google sheet the precise timing of the 6 presentations together with the links you will have to follow to get in the Teams call. At the presentations, you will have in front of you your presentation, but we will not go through it in an orderly fashion: I'll ask you to focus on the most nteresting parts (or I'll challenge to go beyond what you reported in terms of strategic implications).

All the best


Group presentations alternative slots - a new Doodle link

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Dear All,

I forgot to mention an important point: give me only group responses (after you have checked the availabilities within the group) and give your response using the name of university, meaning I should find a single proposal for UniEdinbourgh etc etc.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Here below you have a NEW long list of alternative slots:


Please report a few alternative timing when your group is fully available so that I can shape the timing in a way that is not much disrupting my agenda ... and of course the old answer at the individual level will not matter any longer (you might want to use inside your group, but this is your official answer)

Morever, I've allocated to each of the group a half an hour slot, but I don't believe that our discussion will not take on average more than 15 minutes ... as we are not going through your complete presentation but only a few relevant points (and potentially deepening the discussion).

As I mentioned you the deadline for submitting your presentation by mail to corrado.cerruti@uniroma2.it  in May 12th at midnight (operationally on May 13th at 10:00 am).

Last but not least, the fact that we are commenting just a part of your presentation doesn't mean that your overall presentation is important. Work on an effective and comprehensive presentation. It will select just a few part but in any case I'll take into account your overall activities.

All the best




Group assignment progress

Monday, April 15, 2024

Dear All,

I haven't seen much progress in the page of the group activities: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZYN53ryUSt21BUXE2UilAbhMTlLfPF4k8HKKTYeWzhY/edit?usp=sharing

Let me invite those who are interested in carrying forward the groupwork to update the google sheet.

All the best