Updated A.Y. 2024-2025
International Cooperation and Development
Prof. Maurizio Carbone
Module description
This module will investigate the interaction between the (Global) North and the (Global) South in the context of the changing system of International Relations. To do so, it will explore the main strategies adopted by the international community to fight poverty and tackle global inequalities, the different means of cooperation in North-South and South-South relations, the link between foreign aid and other development-related policies (e.g. trade, migration, environment and climate change), and the impact of key international organisations, emerging economies, multinational corporations and civil society actors in North-South relations. A section of the course will be devoted to the role of the European Union in international development.
The main aims of this module are to:
- analyse different understandings and measurements of the concepts of development and inequality;
- discuss the main theories in the field of International Relations and International Development and their prescriptions;
- understand how the global architecture for development has evolved over the past six decades;
- assess why and how traditional and emerging donors give foreign aid;
- investigate the role of key international organisations (e.g. United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization) and civil society and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the promotion of international development;
- explore the impact of selected policies of industrialised and emerging economies (e.g. trade, migration) on the economic and social development of developing countries;
- examine the evolution of the EU’s policies towards developing countries.
Teaching method
This module is highly interactive. Students must do the assigned readings before each session as they will be asked to actively participate in class discussions.
For attending students:
- Quiz 1, in-class (20% of the final mark), covering the first part of the course;
- Quiz 2, in-class (20% of the final mark), covering the second part of the course;
- Exam (60% of the final mark), with questions covering the whole course.
For non-attending students:
- Exam (100% of the final mark), with questions covering the whole course.
NB: Students who did not take either Quiz 1 or Quiz 2 will take the Exam as non-attending students or will receive a 0 for the missed quiz – unless they have been authorised by the Global Governance administration.
Textbook and Materials
- There is no textbook for this module. Material will be available on DIDA.
Schedule of Topics
- International development and global inequality
- Theories of development
- International organisations and development
- Foreign aid and ‘traditional’ bilateral donors
- South-South cooperation
- Multinational corporations and international development
- Civil society actors and international development
- Trade and development
- Migration and development
- Environment and development
- Special topic: The European Union and international development
- Tema 1: Le relazioni esterne/la politica estera dell'Unione Europea in una prospettiva storica: questo modulo spiegherà come la Comunità Europea prima, e poi l'Unione Europea, hanno gradualmente sviluppato i concetti e le istituzioni che costituiscono la base della Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Comune (PESC).
- Tema 2: La politica estera e di sicurezza dell'UE dalla firma del Trattato di Lisbona: questo modulo si concentrerà sulle innovazioni introdotte dal Trattato di Lisbona nel campo della politica estera, della sicurezza e della difesa, includendo, tra gli altri, un Alto Rappresentante/Vicepresidente della Commissione Europea con doppio incarico, il Servizio europeo per l'azione esterna e la Cooperazione Strutturata Permanente (CSP).
- Tema 3: Particolare attenzione sarà dedicata alle preferenze degli attori statali e alle relazioni transatlantiche e al loro influsso sulla politica estera dell'UE.
Secondo Modulo - Politica Estera:
- Introduzione: Dare un senso alla politica estera: attori, interazioni e teorie.
- Tema 1: Panoramica delle principali crisi degli ultimi trent'anni e dei cambiamenti nell'Ordine Internazionale.
- Tema 2: Lezioni dalla storia recente: casi selezionati.
- a) Interventi post-11 settembre: Afghanistan.
- b) Interventi post-11 settembre: Iraq.
- c) Conflitti post-Primavera Araba: Libia.
- d) Conflitti post-Primavera Araba: Siria.
- e) L'ascesa dell'Iran come potenza regionale.
- f) Politica della Russia nello spazio post-sovietico, Medio Oriente e Africa.
- g) Competizione strategica tra USA e Cina.
- h) Cambiamenti nel Medio Oriente negli ultimi anni.
Terzo Modulo - Cooperazione Internazionale e Sviluppo:
- Sviluppo internazionale e disuguaglianza globale.
- Teorie dello sviluppo.
- Organizzazioni internazionali e sviluppo.
- Aiuti esteri e donatori bilaterali "tradizionali".
- Cooperazione Sud-Sud.
- Imprese multinazionali e sviluppo internazionale.
- Attori della società civile e sviluppo internazionale.
- Commercio e sviluppo.
- Migrazione e sviluppo.
- Ambiente e sviluppo.
- L'Unione Europea e lo sviluppo internazionale.
Topic 1 The European Union’s external relations / foreign policy in a historical perspective: this module will explain how the European Community first, and then the European Union gradually developed the concepts and institutions that form the basis of the Common
Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).
Topic 2 The EU foreign and security since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty: this module will focus on the innovations introduced by the Lisbon Treaty in the field of foreign, security and defense policy, including, among others, a double-hatted High Representative/Vice President of the European Commission, the European External Action Service and the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
Topic 3 A particular attention will be given to state actors’ preferences and to Transatlantic Relations and their influence on the EU foreign policy.
2nd Module - Foreign Policy
Introduction Making sense of foreign policy: actors, interactions and theories
Topic 1 Overview of major crises during the last thirty years and the changes in the International Order
Topic 2 Lessons from recent history: selected cases
a) Post-9/11 Interventions : Afghanistan.
b) Post-9/11 Interventions : Iraq.
c) Post-Arab Spring conflicts: Libya.
d) Post-Arab Spring conflicts: Syria.
e) The rise of Iran as a regional power.
f) Russia’s policy in the post-Soviet space, the Middle East and Africa
g) US/China strategic competition
h) Changes in the Middle East in recent years
3rd Module - International Cooperation and Development
- International development and global inequality
- Theories of development
- International organisations and development
- Foreign aid and ‘traditional’ bilateral donors
- South-South cooperation
- Multinational corporations and international development
- Civil society actors and international development
- Trade and development
- Migration and development
- Environment and development
- The European Union and international development
Testi Adottati
- Europe and America: The End of Transatlantic Relations?, by F. Bindi, 2019, Brookings Institution Press.
- The EU Foreign Policy by F. Bindi, 2022, Brookings Institution Press
Secondo Modulo -
‘World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions’; Frieden, Lake, Schultz; WW Norton and Co.
Introduzione, Parte 1, Parte 2, Parte 5.
Ulteriori letture più specifiche saranno suggerite prima della discussione degli studi di caso.
Terzo Modulo -
- Non c'è un libro di testo per questo modulo. Il materiale sarà disponibile su DIDA.
- Europe and America: The End of Transatlantic Relations?, by F. Bindi, 2019, Brookings Institution Press.
- The EU Foreign Policy by F. Bindi, 2022, Brookings Institution Press
2nd Module -
‘World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions’; Frieden, Lake, Schultz; WW Norton and Co.
Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 5.
More specific readings will be suggested prior to the discussion of the case studies.
3rd Module -
- There is no textbook for this module. Material will be available on DIDA.
- Europe and America: The End of Transatlantic Relations?, by F. Bindi, 2019, Brookings Institution Press.
- The EU Foreign Policy by F. Bindi, 2022, Brookings Institution Press
Secondo Modulo -
‘World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions’; Frieden, Lake, Schultz; WW Norton and Co.
Introduzione, Parte 1, Parte 2, Parte 5.
Ulteriori letture più specifiche saranno suggerite prima della discussione degli studi di caso.
Terzo Modulo -
- Non c'è un libro di testo per questo modulo. Il materiale sarà disponibile su DIDA.
- The EU Foreign Policy by F. Bindi, 2022, Brookings Institution Press
2nd Module -
‘World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions’; Frieden, Lake, Schultz; WW Norton and Co.
Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 5.
More specific readings will be suggested prior to the discussion of the case studies.
3rd Module -
- There is no textbook for this module. Material will be available on DIDA.
Modalità di svolgimento
Secondo Modulo: Le lezioni saranno sempre seguite da discussioni. Pertanto, si incoraggia gli studenti a preparare le letture del corso prima delle lezioni, così come qualsiasi altra fonte sulle materie trattate. Il secondo argomento richiederà una partecipazione più diretta: gli studenti sono chiamati a formare gruppi più piccoli, uno per ogni studio di caso; i membri del gruppo prepareranno congiuntamente un breve saggio (meno di 8 pagine) sul tema specifico e lo discuteranno in classe.
Terzo Modulo: Questo modulo è altamente interattivo. Gli studenti devono leggere i materiali assegnati prima di ogni sessione poiché saranno invitati a partecipare attivamente alle discussioni in classe.
Teaching methods
2nd Module: Lectures will always be followed by discussion. Thus, students are encouraged to prepare classes reading the textbook beforehand, as well as any other sources on the subject matters. Topic two will require a more direct participation: students are called to form smaller groups, one for each case study; group members will Jointly prepare a short paper (less than 8 pages) on the specific subject and will discuss it in class.
3rd Module:
This module is highly interactive. Students must do the assigned readings before each session as they will be asked to actively participate in class discussions.
Regolamento Esame
Quiz e/o esame orale
Secondo Modulo (4 cfu, un terzo del voto finale):
20%: discussione di un caso di studio
75%: esame orale finale, che coprirà l'intero programma.
Gli studenti non frequentanti (con meno dell'80% di presenza in classe) saranno valutati al 100% sull'esame scritto finale.
Terzo Modulo (6 cfu, il 50% del voto finale):
Per gli studenti frequentanti:
Quiz 1, in classe (20% del voto finale), che coprirà la prima parte del corso;
Quiz 2, in classe (20% del voto finale), che coprirà la seconda parte del corso;
Esame (60% del voto finale), con domande che copriranno l'intero corso.
Per i non frequentanti:
Esame (100% del voto finale), con domande che copriranno l'intero corso.
NB: Gli studenti che non hanno sostenuto uno qualsiasi dei quiz svolgeranno l'esame come studenti non frequentanti o riceveranno un voto di 0 per il quiz mancato.
Si prega di notare: gli studenti possono rifiutare SOLO il voto finale della media dei 3 esami. Se lo fanno, dovranno ripetere nel secondo turno (appello) TUTTI e 3 gli esami: per il primo modulo, una nuova prova su un nuovo argomento assegnato; per il secondo modulo, un esame scritto; per il terzo modulo, un esame scritto. Questo secondo esame sarà disponibile anche per gli studenti non frequentanti e gli studenti che hanno fallito l'esame (voto totale, ottenuto dalla media, inferiore a 18).
Exam Rules
Quiz and/or oral exam
Second module (4 cfu, one third of the final grade):
20%: study case discussion
75%: an oral final exam, covering the whole programme.
Non-attending students (students with less than 80% of presence in class) will be assessed 100% on the written final exam.
Third module (6 cfu, 50% of the final grade):
For attending students:
Quiz 1, in-class (20% of the final mark), covering the first part of the course;
Quiz 2, in-class (20% of the final mark), covering the second part of the course;
Exam (60% of the final mark), with questions covering the whole course.
For non-attending:
Exam (100% of the final mark), with questions covering the whole course.
NB: Students who did not take either Quizes will take the Exam as non-attending students or will receive a 0 for the missed quiz.
Please be aware: students can reject ONLY the final grade of the average of the 3 exams. If they do that, they will have to retake in the second round (appello) ALL 3 exams: for the first module a new paper on a new assigned topic; for the second module on a written exam; for the third module a written exam. This second exam will also be available for non attending students and students who failed the exam (total grade, made of the average, below 18).
Topic 1 The European Union’s external relations / foreign policy in a historical perspective: this module will explain how the European Community first, and then the European Union gradually developed the concepts and institutions that form the basis of the Common
Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).
Topic 2 The EU foreign and security since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty: this module will focus on the innovations introduced by the Lisbon Treaty in the field of foreign, security and defense policy, including, among others, a double-hatted High Representative/Vice President of the European Commission, the European External Action Service and the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
Topic 3 A particular attention will be given to state actors’ preferences and to Transatlantic Relations and their influence on the EU foreign policy.
2nd Module - Foreign Policy
Introduction Making sense of foreign policy: actors, interactions and theories
Topic 1 Overview of major crises during the last thirty years and the changes in the International Order
Topic 2 Lessons from recent history: selected cases
a) Post-9/11 Interventions : Afghanistan.
b) Post-9/11 Interventions : Iraq.
c) Post-Arab Spring conflicts: Libya.
d) Post-Arab Spring conflicts: Syria.
e) The rise of Iran as a regional power.
f) Russia’s policy in the post-Soviet space, the Middle East and Africa
g) US/China strategic competition
h) Changes in the Middle East in recent years
3rd Module - International Cooperation and Development
- International development and global inequality
- Theories of development
- International organisations and development
- Foreign aid and ‘traditional’ bilateral donors
- South-South cooperation
- Multinational corporations and international development
- Civil society actors and international development
- Trade and development
- Migration and development
- Environment and development
- The European Union and international development
- Europe and America: The End of Transatlantic Relations?, by F. Bindi, 2019, Brookings Institution Press.
- The EU Foreign Policy by F. Bindi, 2022, Brookings Institution Press
2nd Module -
‘World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions’; Frieden, Lake, Schultz; WW Norton and Co.
Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 5.
More specific readings will be suggested prior to the discussion of the case studies.
3rd Module -
- There is no textbook for this module. Material will be available on DIDA.
Exam Rules
Quiz and/or oral exam
Second module (4 cfu, one third of the final grade):
20%: study case discussion
75%: an oral final exam, covering the whole programme.
Non-attending students (students with less than 80% of presence in class) will be assessed 100% on the written final exam.
Third module (6 cfu, 50% of the final grade):
For attending students:
Quiz 1, in-class (20% of the final mark), covering the first part of the course;
Quiz 2, in-class (20% of the final mark), covering the second part of the course;
Exam (60% of the final mark), with questions covering the whole course.
For non-attending:
Exam (100% of the final mark), with questions covering the whole course.
NB: Students who did not take either Quizes will take the Exam as non-attending students or will receive a 0 for the missed quiz.
Please be aware: students can reject ONLY the final grade of the average of the 3 exams. If they do that, they will have to retake in the second round (appello) ALL 3 exams: for the first module a new paper on a new assigned topic; for the second module on a written exam; for the third module a written exam. This second exam will also be available for non attending students and students who failed the exam (total grade, made of the average, below 18).
- Tema 1: Le relazioni esterne/la politica estera dell'Unione Europea in una prospettiva storica: questo modulo spiegherà come la Comunità Europea prima, e poi l'Unione Europea, hanno gradualmente sviluppato i concetti e le istituzioni che costituiscono la base della Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Comune (PESC).
- Tema 2: La politica estera e di sicurezza dell'UE dalla firma del Trattato di Lisbona: questo modulo si concentrerà sulle innovazioni introdotte dal Trattato di Lisbona nel campo della politica estera, della sicurezza e della difesa, includendo, tra gli altri, un Alto Rappresentante/Vicepresidente della Commissione Europea con doppio incarico, il Servizio europeo per l'azione esterna e la Cooperazione Strutturata Permanente (CSP).
- Tema 3: Particolare attenzione sarà dedicata alle preferenze degli attori statali e alle relazioni transatlantiche e al loro influsso sulla politica estera dell'UE.
Secondo Modulo - Politica Estera:
- Introduzione: Dare un senso alla politica estera: attori, interazioni e teorie.
- Tema 1: Panoramica delle principali crisi degli ultimi trent'anni e dei cambiamenti nell'Ordine Internazionale.
- Tema 2: Lezioni dalla storia recente: casi selezionati.
- a) Interventi post-11 settembre: Afghanistan.
- b) Interventi post-11 settembre: Iraq.
- c) Conflitti post-Primavera Araba: Libia.
- d) Conflitti post-Primavera Araba: Siria.
- e) L'ascesa dell'Iran come potenza regionale.
- f) Politica della Russia nello spazio post-sovietico, Medio Oriente e Africa.
- g) Competizione strategica tra USA e Cina.
- h) Cambiamenti nel Medio Oriente negli ultimi anni.
Terzo Modulo - Cooperazione Internazionale e Sviluppo:
- Sviluppo internazionale e disuguaglianza globale.
- Teorie dello sviluppo.
- Organizzazioni internazionali e sviluppo.
- Aiuti esteri e donatori bilaterali "tradizionali".
- Cooperazione Sud-Sud.
- Imprese multinazionali e sviluppo internazionale.
- Attori della società civile e sviluppo internazionale.
- Commercio e sviluppo.
- Migrazione e sviluppo.
- Ambiente e sviluppo.
- L'Unione Europea e lo sviluppo internazionale.
Topic 1 The European Union’s external relations / foreign policy in a historical perspective: this module will explain how the European Community first, and then the European Union gradually developed the concepts and institutions that form the basis of the Common
Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).
Topic 2 The EU foreign and security since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty: this module will focus on the innovations introduced by the Lisbon Treaty in the field of foreign, security and defense policy, including, among others, a double-hatted High Representative/Vice President of the European Commission, the European External Action Service and the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
Topic 3 A particular attention will be given to state actors’ preferences and to Transatlantic Relations and their influence on the EU foreign policy.
2nd Module - Foreign Policy
Introduction Making sense of foreign policy: actors, interactions and theories
Topic 1 Overview of major crises during the last thirty years and the changes in the International Order
Topic 2 Lessons from recent history: selected cases
a) Post-9/11 Interventions : Afghanistan.
b) Post-9/11 Interventions : Iraq.
c) Post-Arab Spring conflicts: Libya.
d) Post-Arab Spring conflicts: Syria.
e) The rise of Iran as a regional power.
f) Russia’s policy in the post-Soviet space, the Middle East and Africa
g) US/China strategic competition
h) Changes in the Middle East in recent years
3rd Module - International Cooperation and Development
- International development and global inequality
Modalità di svolgimento
Teaching methods
Exam Rules
Quiz and/or oral exam
Second module (4 cfu, one third of the final grade):
20%: study case discussion
75%: an oral final exam, covering the whole programme.
Non-attending students (students with less than 80% of presence in class) will be assessed 100% on the written final exam.
Third module (6 cfu, 50% of the final grade):
For attending students:
Quiz 1, in-class (20% of the final mark), covering the first part of the course;
Quiz 2, in-class (20% of the final mark), covering the second part of the course;
Exam (60% of the final mark), with questions covering the whole course.
For non-attending:
Exam (100% of the final mark), with questions covering the whole course.
NB: Students who did not take either Quizes will take the Exam as non-attending students or will receive a 0 for the missed quiz.
Please be aware: students can reject ONLY the final grade of the average of the 3 exams. If they do that, they will have to retake in the second round (appello) ALL 3 exams: for the first module a new paper on a new assigned topic; for the second module on a written exam; for the third module a written exam. This second exam will also be available for non attending students and students who failed the exam (total grade, made of the average, below 18).
Updated A.Y. 2022-2023
See under "Teaching Material"/"Materiale Didattico"
Updated A.Y. 2020-2021
Updated A.Y. 2020-2021
Course Description
The course of International Relations is divided into three Modules:
First module: The EU in the World (Prof.ssa F. Bindi) – 2 CFU
Second module: Foreign Policy: an Introduction (Amb. A. Meloni) - 4 CFU
Third module: International Cooperation and Development (Prof. M. Carbone) - 6 CFU
Find more information in the Syllabus