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At Global Governance, we highly value the perspectives of experts, professionals and professors. We also take great pride in being able to listen to speakers from all over the world working in both the private andt the public sector. One aspect we cherish is also the critical-thinking and

suggestions we receive from our guests on the scope and potential of programs like ours. This is why GG students debate with the guests alsot through specially-designed interviews about our curriculum, activities, placement opportunities. By offering enriching answers to the questions of our students, the community of speakers we welcome in Global Governance helps us understand the global challenges we have to face, discover innovative ways to improve and enhance our programme with a real-world perspective.



Ambassador of United States of America to Italy

Amb. Markell Jack

Ambassador of Ireland to Italy

Amb. O'Brien Patricia

Ambassador of India to Italy

Amb. Rao Vani

University of Rome Tor Vergata

Becchetti Leonardo

University of Genoa

Beltrametti Luca

Vice-chair, United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration | The Institute of Finance Basil Fuleihan

Bissat Lamia Moubayed

National Armament Director (NAD) Representative to EU

Col. Truppo Andre

Senior Director of Energy Transition Technology Strategy, GE Vernova

Dr. Goldmeer Jeffrey

Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Gentilini Fernando

PhD, Stockholm School of Economics (Handelshögskolan)

German Bender

Youth Delegates of Italy to the United Nations

Gisinti Chiara

Youth Delegates of Italy to the United Nations

Granata Anadrea

Counsellor Embassy of Azerbaijan in Italy

Hajiyev Vugar

Centre for Information Resilience (CIR)

Mongardini Thomas

Race to Zero Waste

Sloan Hayden

Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Zielonka Jan


Ambassador of Sweden to Italy

Amb. Björklund Jan

Ambassador of Portugal to Italy

Amb. Futscher Pereira Bernardo

General Coordinator of Himam Coalition - Jordan

Aziz Hadeel Abdel

Reporter - Tortoise

Caruana Galizia Paul

Drexel Kline School of Law

Furrow Barry

School od Advanced Defence Studies - CASD

Irrera Daniela

Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)

Münchmeyer Max

Foreign Affairs Journalist

Pasquini Elena L.

Embassy of Romania in Italy

Pufu Ovidiu

Senior Consultant

Quattrone Anthony M.

Head of Unit - European Commission's Directorate General for International Partnerships

Rosa Domenico

University of West of England

Tava Francesco

Hertie School

Tripodi Egon


Ambassador of New Zealand to Italy

Amb. Anthony Simpson

EcorNaturaSì SpA

Brescacin Fabio

CEO of Develhope

Costa Massimiliano

European University Institute

Giacomini Giada

Ambassador of Thailand to Italy

Kananurak Rommanee

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ratti Carlo

Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)

Sarno Giulia Sofia


Society for International Development

Ackermann Magdalena

Ambassador of Switzerland to Italy

Amb. Schmutz Kirgöz Monika

University of Malta

Biolchini Irene

Click on the picture to read her interview!
ACO Office of Legal Affairs NATO

Brigadier General Kriz Pavel

Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado

de Souza Pimenta Marilia Carolina B.

Society for International Development

Dentico Nicoletta

ACO Office of Legal Affairs NATO

Dr. Vazquez Benitez Rodrigo

University of Tübingen

Dr. Wertheimer Jürgen

University of British Columbia

Koffi Njamba

Ambassador of Bangladesh to Italy

Md. Shameem Ahsan

LUISS Business School and La Quadriennale di Roma

Miller Peter Benson

Wikimedia Foundation

Sciubba Caniglia Costanza

Click on the picture to read her interview
Still I Rise ONLUS

Senici Michele

Click on the picture to read his interview



Amb. Ambrosetti Massimo

Click on the picture to read his interview!
Diplomatic advisor to the Prime Minister and G7/G20 Sherpa

Amb. Benassi Pietro

Department of Political Affairs and Peace and Security

Amb. Hammad Salah Siddig

Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Amb. Maggipinto Cristiano

Click on the picture to read his interview
State University of New York at Binghamton

Bello Walden

Click on the picture to read his interview!
Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”

Cariello Marta

Click on the picture to read her interview!
E4Impact Foundation

Cheboryot David

University of St. Gallen

Cozzi Guido

Click on the picture to read his interview!
Young Leader for the SDGs endorsed by United Nations

Eskitaşçıoğlu İlayda

Click on the picture to read her interview!
Israeli Ambassador to Italy

Eydar Dror

Dutch Research School for International Development

Fischer Andrew

University of Milano-Bicocca

Fontana Silvia

Chief Scientist Ministry of Energy

Friedman Gideon

University of Bologna

Furia Annalisa

Click on the picture to read her interview!
Kigali Genocide Memorial

Gatera Honore

University of Ottawa

Grabowski Jan

Universidad Complutense de Madrid | The Elcano Royal Institute

Lázaro Touza Lara

International Burch University

Marjanovic Damir

Click on the picture to read his interview!
Director for Sub-Saharan Africa for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Mistretta Giuseppe

Morita Norimasa

Click on the picture to read his interview!
Global Development Institute | The University of Manchester

Müller Tanja

Medici senza Frontiere

Napoleoni Annalisa

Head of Technologies, Digital Health Department, Israeli Ministry of Health

Parker Assaf

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Piccioni Cecilia

Click on the picture to read her interview!

Roman Gili

Click on the picture to read his interview!
University of North Carolina

Seim Brigitte

Click on the picture to read her interview!

Sigona Nando

Click on the picture to read his interview!
Director Liaison Office, German Red Cross

Spieker Heike

Diaspora, Diversity and Development Consultant

Susanna Owusu Twumwah

JIPO - Joint International Programme Office

Truppo Andrea

Fondazione Aurora

Ugo Abara Ada

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Uhl Johannes

Click on the picture to read his interview!